Monday, January 21, 2008

Mad Science

I am amazed at the world.

As we all know their are satellites flowing through the universe sending little microcosms back to earth via pictures. While most people can't even begin to fathom the inner workings of infinite space these picture maintain a mental atmosphere of false recognition.

But what about the visually impaired?
Well a book has been unveiled called Touch The Invisible Sky where Doris Dow in Braille describes the pictures taken from various satellites.
Also Doris is able to create tactile impressions of things as phenomenal as say the Sun.
I can't even imagine closing my eyes and feeling slight grooves on paper
and it clicking. OHHHHH thats what they mean when they say the sun.

Regardless It's on my list of treasures to have. And It's free. I think.

Oh and for those who dance.

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